Sign Up for the Women of Whitetail Program Today!

Opening day at Whitetail Resort is December 16th and the Women of Whitetail Program is gearing up for another incredible season! Of course opening day is snow permitting – hard to imagine when it’s 75 in November, but it can happen. Just a few updates about the WOW Women’s Program…

It’s a good idea to sign up as soon as possible because there is limited space. Here’s the link to sign up!

The program is five consecutive weeks, either Saturday or Sunday morning from 10am – 12pm, from January 7th – February 5th. The goal of the program is for you to ski with the same group of women, and with the same woman instructor every week. This way, your instructor can help you work on new skills and build confidence with each passing week. And you’ll look forward to seeing your new ski BFFs every weekend. Our instructors are skilled in helping you identify goals and work toward them incrementally, even if the goal is to generally overcome fear or to learn a specific skill like moguls.

If you have a child in a seasonal program like Whitetrailers or on the Whitetail Race Team, Women of Whitetail is a great way for you to get involved, and be on the mountain while they’re doing their thing. We made sure that it starts at 10, so you have time to drop them off and get yourself a coffee and take a moment before heading off to your WOW class.

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If you’re still thinking about Whitetrailers, you can learn more here. But I will say that it’s the best way to raise a skier in the DMV. Having your child ski with the same kids and same instructor every week does the same for them as it does for us. Consistency and incrementally building skills is the way to go. Before they realize it, they’re skiing all over the mountain and having the time of their lives. Highly recommend.

So sign up for the WOW program and join us for five weeks in the new year–you’ll learn a ton, make some great friends, and have a blast! Sign up today!

One thought on “Sign Up for the Women of Whitetail Program Today!

  1. Do you have a good contact at Whitetail? I’m super interested in signing up but I consider myself on the cusp of “intermediate” (I really want to improve!) so wanted to speak to someone at the mountain to make sure it’s a good fit.

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